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Driving Ukraine Silent Auction

Driving Ukraine Silent Auction

Banbury RUFC Communications23 May - 13:50
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Silent Auction will close on 30th June 2024 at 12:00pm

In support of Driving Ukraine, they have kindly donated a signed Northampton Saints shirt and ball to be silently auctioned off with all proceeds going to the Driving Ukraine efforts.

Following both links below you will have the opportunity to place your silent bid and to also find out more information on the operation. All proceeds will be donated by the club.

The Silent Auction will close on 30th June 2024 at 12:00pm (Any bids after this time will not count)

Proceeds of this Silent Auction will be formulated in a club donation to the Driving Ukraine fundraising page.

More information -

To place your silent bid -

Further reading